Welcome Degrassi Fans!

Hello, and Welcome to my blog. It's all about Degrassi, and my opinions about it. I might have some of my friends update it sometimes, so be prepared. Feel free to comment, and share you opinions! (:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Vegas Night Talk

HeyHeyHey! Today I'm going to write about quite a lot of topics, such as:
Jenna's Pregnancy,Riley and Zane,
Sav and Holly J,
Outfits for Vegas Night,
and a little bit about me and my Degrassi background.
OH, and I'm going to be starting a Vintage Wednesday! That's where I go back to an old episode, and chat about it.

First off, I'd like to say how awesome it is that 'Shark in The Water' By VV Brown was played at Vegas Night. It surprised me, and it was a very spectacular idea. When the Degrassi 'Shark in the Water' Promo came out, that was the song I listened to for a while!
Jenna's Pregnancy
Ok, so my friend Onna and I were talking about how awful it was that KC left her. It's very unfair, but expected. He didn't want any more trouble...and NO I'm not defending him, I'm just saying that it's understandable. I'm excited for seeing her go through labor and all that jazz. Her outfit for Vegas Night: Cute. I give it an 8. The blue dress and white feather boa was nice...But, I'm pretty sure most people could tell something was cooking in her oven. Anyways, she's mega pretty...with or without the baby bump
Riley And Zane I wish that they would have won at Vegas Night. That would have been super cute, and just awesome. I don't really like Zane hair though...It's too...high. Riley should tell his parents that he's gay. That will make a good episode. I also think that Riley needs another haircut. I like his hair short. It's cute that they were sporting the same outfits! RILEY AND ZANE FOR PROM! I do hope they win. That'd be magical!
Sav and Holly JI don't really like Sav and Holly J together. It's too awkward for me. But, the stripping thing, was totally out of hand. I don't know WHY Holly j would do that for Sav...but not Declan. Holly J is definitely not my favorite character. She's too....just....I'm not sure. I want to see that apartment that's she supposed to be living in with her parents. Sav's song...was a natural. It reminded me of the Anya Song.."I love to watch you cheer
It's been that way for a half a year,
It's like we belong,
so I wrote this song, yeah
You're my one,
and only,
*I wrote that all by memory!*
Of course his voice has gotten better since then.

I know that Clare was going for a good girl look, but it didn't really go with the theme. It WAS cute, but not my style. Eli looked cute, as always. I really ponder on to what they do with those outfits once they wore them....once. Hmm. Drew's whole get-up looked a little pimp-sh. I guess that's understandable for what he did. Well, I vote Alli as best dressed. I was digging her hair, dress, boa, and makeup. (:

When Munro gets a Twitter...I'll put him as the Follow Of the Week. (:
Well, that's all for now! See ya next time!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Birth Blog

Hello Fellow Degrassi Fanatics!
I'm not sure if anyone is reading this right now, but all I know is that I am writing it. (:
So, since this is the first day of this blog, be gentle. :D
Every week I'll have a:
1: NEW poll
2: NEW character of the week
3: Twitter follow of the week
4: and of course, more blog posts.

When Degrassi comes back after their break, I'll update after the showing of it, of my thoughts, on the preview for the next one, and what I thought should have happend...etc.

Anyways, For our first topic, We'll talk about last night season wrap up episode.
*Do not read this if you haven't seen it! It might ruin it for you!*
I think everyone will agree when I say that Drew made a huge mistake. Bianca seduced him, and, well, he fell for it. -1 for him.
I didn't really agree with Clare going to Vegas Night with Fitz. It was wise, but i didn't settle with it.
I almost pissed my pants when Fitz brought the knife near Eli.
I DID hyperventilate though. I didn't want Eli to die....he's Smexyy! (:
The Owen and Alli thing in the boiler room...seemed kind of skanky. Well, we always knew that Alli was never conservative.....but not sluty. I'm glad she stopped him though.
THEN! Drew's mom?!?! Why didn't Drew stand up for Alli after he was saying "OHHH I IS SO SORRY!" Maybe he was still mad? I don't know. His mother is definetly out of control. And she's ALREADY on the school board. That's awkward.
Ahah, anyways,
Follow me on twitter. I'll say who the follow of the week is. ((Which is where I put someone....Degrassi related on here, and tell you guys to follow them. (:))

Goooooohhhh-Niiiigggghhh. (: